How Does Vitamin E Help In Hair Growth?

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Wideo: How Does Vitamin E Help In Hair Growth?

Wideo: How Does Vitamin E Help In Hair Growth?
Wideo: Hair loss Treatment with Vitamin E | बालो के लिए घरेलु उपचार | Dr. Anil Garg 2024, Może
How Does Vitamin E Help In Hair Growth?
How Does Vitamin E Help In Hair Growth?

Curbing the hair loss problem is not simple. With all the remedies that claim to solve the problem, there are only a few that show real results. Vitamin E is one such remedy. It is considered to be an ideal remedy due to its antioxidant properties. This means that it acts as a shield against free radicals that harm your skin and hair cells.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that offers a multitude of health and beauty benefits like reducing frizz, dryness, and dullness and imparting a luminescent glow to your hair. Vitamin E oil and supplements have been gaining a lot of popularity as excellent hair care products. But before we get into that, do you know what about Vitamin E makes it so good for your hair? Let’s take a look!

Table Of Contents

  • Is Vitamin E Good For Your Hair?
  • Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair Growth
  • How To Use Vitamin E For Hair Growth
  • Side Effects Of Vitamin E

Is Vitamin E Good For Your Hair?

In short, yes! We know that a healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. Scalp health can be determined by a number of things, such as the pH levels, oil production, circulation of blood to the scalp, and follicle health. Vitamin E helps bring about a balance in these variables, ensuring that hair grows out to be healthy and strong. It does so by offering the following benefits.

Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair Growth

1. May Improve Blood Circulation

A study showed that vitamin E could help increase blood flow (1). This, in turn, may aid hair growth. Vitamin E may help widen the blood vessels so that blood is more easily carried. It also prevents blood from clotting, ensuring smooth flow.

Massaging the oil into the scalp improves blood circulation, which provides optimal nourishment to the hair follicles (2). This helps the follicles work more efficiently, promoting hair growth.

2. Normalizes Oil Production And pH Levels Of The Scalp

More often than not, the main cause of hair fall is the excessive production of oil or an imbalance in the pH levels on your scalp. When your scalp is dry, the sebaceous glands are pushed into overdrive, producing more oil than necessary.

The excess oil starts to clog the hair follicles, leading to issues, such as itching and dandruff, and eventually hair fall. Vitamin E oil counters this by providing moisture, thereby calming the overzealous sebaceous glands while balancing out the pH levels.

3. Reduces Oxidative Damage To Hair

Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant activity that helps neutralize free radicals (3). The antioxidant properties can help reduce oxidative stress, which is known to cause hair fall (4). This keeps your follicles damage-free while curbing splitting and breakage.

4. Conditions Hair

Vitamin E can help seal moisture in the hair shaft, keeping it conditioned. With regular use, vitamin E may tackle dryness, making your hair strong, smooth, and shiny. However, there are no scientific studies to back these claims.

The deficiency of this vitamin can be a cause of bad hair health. But the good news is that it is readily available in many food sources and can be easily incorporated into your diet. The following are the different ways in which you can use vitamin E to promote hair growth.

How To Use Vitamin E For Hair Growth

1. Eat Foods Rich In Vitamin E

This is one of the easiest ways to incorporate Vitamin E into your hair care regimen. Internal nourishment is as important as external nourishment when it comes to hair growth (4), (5).

Hence, it is important that you consume foods that are rich in vitamin E, including green vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and broccoli; nuts like peanuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and almonds; oils like vegetable oils, wheat germ oil and olive oil; sprouts, avocado, etc. Alternatively, you can opt for vitamin E supplements, which are readily available in both tablet and capsule form.

Many people use vitamin E tablets for hair fall problems. It is recommended that one should start by consuming 400 IU of vitamin E supplements daily (6). This is the recommended dosage that can prove to be beneficial to your overall health without causing any negative side effects.

It is important to know that high intake of vitamin E, i.e., doses higher than 1000 IU daily, can cause thinning of the blood and other blood complications (6). Hence, consult a healthcare professional before you start taking any supplements. Also, vitamin E works synergistically with other vitamins, adaptogens, and minerals for hair growth.

2. Use A Shampoo Which Contains Vitamin E

Many shampoos have been specially formulated to provide extra vitamin E to nourish your hair. While selecting a shampoo, try to choose one that is free of sulfates and parabens. These shampoos are gentler on your hair and do not strip away the natural oils present in your scalp and hair.

However, it is important to keep in mind that a shampoo alone will not boost hair growth. It is important to incorporate regular oiling and hair masks rich in vitamin E into your hair care routine, along with a healthy, balanced diet.

3. Use Vitamin E Oil

Take 10-20 capsules, depending on the length of your hair, and cut off the ends so you can collect the oil in a bowl. If the oil is too thick, combine it with a carrier oil, such as olive oil. Wash your hair and let it dry. Section your hair and start applying the oil to your hair and scalp. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse it off using a mild shampoo.

Vitamin E oil can help in rejuvenating damaged hair follicles and prevent breakage. Natural oils that have high vitamin E content include avocado oil, wheat germ oil, and palm oil.

4. Use Hair Masks That Contain Vitamin E

You need to pamper your scalp to keep your hair healthy and free of troubles. The best way to do that is to go to the roots and massage them with a good hair mask. After all, a healthy scalp means healthy hair. To treat your scalp with a soothing hair mask, you need:

  • 1 half-ripe avocado
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 tablespoon vitamin E oil


  1. Blend all the ingredients together in a blender until they form a creamy paste.
  2. Make sure the paste does not have any lumps.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp.
  4. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mask with a shampoo and conditioner your hair.

Why Does It Work?

Avocado helps moisturize your hair and heals damaged hair (7). Olive oil acts as a smoothing agent. A combination of all the three ingredients transforms rough, dry, and frizzy hair into silky, smooth, and healthy tresses.

Side Effects Of Vitamin E

While using vitamin E, you need to be careful about the dosage, concentration, and possible allergic reactions. Seek medical help if you experience any of the following side effects. Some of the hazards you need to be aware of are:

  • Itchy and greasy scalp
  • Hair fall
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Red spots on the skin
  • Nausea and diarrhea (if taken in excess)
  • Imbalanced secretion of thyroid hormone

Hair loss is definitely extremely frustrating to live with. However, the right remedies can help you tackle this problem quickly. If you have been struggling with hair fall, introducing vitamin E to your hair care regimen can help.

7 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Aiello, et al. “High-Dose Vitamin E Supplementation Normalizes Retinal Blood Flow and Creatinine Clearance in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes.” Diabetes Care, American Diabetes Association, 1 Aug. 1999.

  • Koyama, Taro et al. “Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous Tissue.” Eplasty vol. 16 e8.

  • Rizvi, Saliha et al. “The role of vitamin e in human health and some diseases.” Sultan Qaboos University medical journal vol. 14,2 (2014): e157-65.

  • Guo, Emily L, and Rajani Katta. “Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use.” Dermatology practical & conceptual vol. 7,1 1-10.

  • Almohanna, Hind M et al. “The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review.” Dermatology and therapy vol. 9,1 (2019): 51-70.

  • Vitamin E, NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Zaid, Abdel Naser et al. “Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine.” BMC complementary and alternative medicine vol. 17,1 355.


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